Wanted to get a new hair brush to bring out and use on the go to neaten my messy hair. The Body Shop travel hair brush i had was not very nice to comb and its really small.
Did some research on the net and found good raves on Kent hair brushes. Lots of people swear by it and luckily its available in watson! They have lots of collection for different hair woes. Their brushes ranges from $19.90 onwards. I actually wanted to buy a full size comb but i figured out that it would be able to fit nicely in my pouch/bag. So I tried their travel size combs.
Even Duffy likes it!
They have nice paintings/cartoons at the back for the brush/comb.
Conclusion: Its better than Body shop's. Hair really looks less frizzly compared to TBS. Though the price is abit on the high side ($19.90) its worth it!